Create a PDF of your Thesis

First, simply convert your thesis document file to PDF - a print ready format.

Online PDF Conversion

If your thesis document is less than 2MB you can use the following free online service to convert the document to PDF.

On your Computer

Here are 3 ways to convert your document to PDF from your computer:

  • Mac Users: If you have a Mac you already have a PDF print driver installed. Simply print to PDF from the document source.

  • Adobe Acrobat Writer installed: If you have Adobe Acrobat Writer on your PC simply print the document to PDF and create it this way.

  • FREE DOWNLOAD: Alternatively, you can download freeware software (it's free!) PDFCreator to your computer

This will install a PDF print driver on your computer. Once again it's a simple process and takes minutes to install. Once installed you simply print to PDF from the document source.

This is quickly achieved either online or on your computer.

Q: What is the difference between the AFPL and the Ghostscript version of PDF Creator?

A: The main difference is the Ghostscript version used. The AFPL version is newer than the GPL version, but the license is more restrictive. If you just want to use PDFCreator, then both versions are fine and the AFPL should be preferred, as it is far better. If you need an aspect of the license that is not covered by the AFPL but by the GPL, then you should download the GPL version.

Q: What file should I download?

A: PDFCreator requires Ghostscript. There are 2 different Setups for the two versions of Ghostscript





Note: Please note that BK Theses Online has no link or responsibility for external sites. We are simply referring resources to enable you to create a PDF.

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